
Square Foot Gardening Leaf Lettuce Spacing

Why Use A Square Foot Gardening Layout?

Using a square foot gardening layout is critical if you want to grow a large amount of food in a small amount of space. Using the square foot gardening layout takes all the guess work out of plant placement.

You can use the square foot gardening layout guide below to achieve a beautiful garden. I have been using the square foot method for years to achieve a hight yields.

Let's get started

First, Divide your garden into 1 foot squares. This can be done by drawing lines with a rake, or using stings are guides. The example below we divided up the 4′ X 8′ raised bed, into 32 garden squares with string.

Square Foot Gardening Layout
Square Foot Gardening Layout

Next, plants are then sown or transplanted into each 1×1 square in multiples of 1, 2, 4, 9 or 16 depending on the crop.

See the planting placement example below.

Square Foot Gardening Layout
Square Foot Gardening Layout

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Square Foot Gardening Layout Chart

Below is a square foot garden layout chart of popular plants and their optimal planting spacing. Use this chart as a square foot spacing guide.

Vegetable Type Spacing Per Square Vegetable Type Spacing Per Square
Arugula 4 Oregano 1
Asian Greens 4 Parsley 4
Basil 2-4 Parsnips 9
Beans (bush) 9 Peanuts 1
Beets 9 Peas 9
Bok Choy (baby) 9 Peppers (Bell) 1
Broccoli 1 Peppers (All Others) 1
Brussel Sprout 1 Potatoes 4
Cabbage 1 Pumpkins 1
Cantaloupe 2 squares per plant Quinoa 4
Carrots 16 Radicchio 2
Cauliflower 1 Radishes 16
Celery 4 Rhubarb 1
Celtuce 2 Rosemary 1
Chives 4 Rutabagas 4
Cilantro 1-9 Sage 1
Collards 1 Scallions 36
Corn 4 Shallots 4
Cucumbers 2 Sorrel 2
Eggplant 1 Spinach 9
Endive 4 Squash 1
Fennel 4 Strawberry 1-4
French Sorrel 4-9 Swiss Chard 4
Garlic 9 Tarragon 1
Green Onions 16 Tomatoes 1
Kale 1 Turnips 9
Kohlrabi 4 Thyme 4
Leeks 9 Wasabi 1
Lettuce (leaf) 6 Watercress 1
Lettuce (head) 2  Watermelon 2 squares per plant
Melons 2 squares per plant Yams 4
Mint 1-4 Yellow Parma Onion (large) 1
Onions (bunching) 9 Zucchini 1

Still Need Help?

No Problem! There are several resources out there to help you with the square foot gardening methods. In addition to the square foot gardening chart above here are some resources I recommend.

Another great tool for beginners is this square foot spacing tool. Seeding Square: Seed & Seedling Spacer Tool – Grow Perfectly Spaced Vegetables, Reduce Weeds, Conserve Water & Maximize Yield – Square-Foot-Gardening Seed Spacer with Dibble, Spacing Template & Funnel

This book is excellent too and I highly recommend it.

Square Foot Gardening Leaf Lettuce Spacing


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