
Which One Of The Following Is A Defining Characteristic Of Animals But Not Of Plants?

Please refer to the MCQ Questions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 1 The Living World with Answers. The following The Living Globe Class 11 Biology MCQ Questions take been designed based on the latest syllabus and examination pattern for Course 11. Our experts have designed MCQ Questions for Course xi Biology with Answers for all chapters in your NCERT Class 11 Biology book.

The Living World Class 11 MCQ Questions with Answers

Run into below The Living Earth Form 11 Biology MCQ Questions, solve the questions and compare your answers with the solutions provided below.

Question. Defining property of living organism?
a. Reproduction
b. Metabolism
c. Consciousness
d. Prison cell segmentation

Question. Glucose in taken in test tube and acted upon by hexokinase enzyme. Resulting substrate is glucose – vi -phosphate. This isolated metabolic reaction is:
a. Occurring in test tube which tin can be considered every bit living
b. Considered to be in vivo
c. Considered to be in vitro and living reaction.
d. Considered equally not-living reaction

Question. Footing of Taxonomy are:
a. Identification – Characterization – Nomenclature -Classification
b. Label – Identification – Classification -Classification
c. Classification – Label – Identification -Nomenclature
d. Nomenclature – Classification – Identification -characterization

Question. The scientific name of banyan is written every bit Ficus bengalensis L. which of the post-obit is a right statement regarding this?
a. Letter L signifies Latin language.
b. The name should be reverse with bengalensis preceding Ficus
c. Letter L signifies taxonomist Linnaeus
d. Bengalensis is generic proper noun

Question. Which of the following practise non reproduces?
a. Phytoplankton
b. Worker bee
c. Queen bee
d. Mycoplasma

Question. In which organism reproduction can be considered as synonymous with growth?
a. Amoeba
b. Planaria
c. Star fish
d. More then i selection are correct

Question. The twin characteristics of growth are:
a. Increment in number of individuals, increase in mass
b. Increment in superlative and increase in mass
c. Increase in molecular weight and increase in mass
d. Increase in size and decrease in mass

Question. A living organism is unexceptionally differentiated from a nonliving construction on the basis of
a. Reproduction
b. Growth and motion
c. Interaction with environment
d. Responsiveness

Question. The statement 'zero lives forever, yet life continues' illustrates the role of
a. Embryogenesis
b. Morphogenesis
c. Replication
d. Reproduction
Diversity in Living World

Question. Described biodiversity range?
a. ane.7 – 1.8 1000000
b. 1.1 – 1.8 trillion
c. 1.7 – 1.eight billion
d. 17 – 18 billion

Question. ICBN codes for?
a. International code for Botanical Nomenclature
b. International code for Binomial Nomenclature
c. International code for Botanimal Naming
d. International lawmaking for Binomial Naming

Question. ICZN codes for:
a. International code of zoological Classification
b. International lawmaking for zoological Naming
c. International coding for zoological Nomenclature
d. Inbreeding lawmaking for zoological Nomenclature

Question. Isolated metabolism reaction exterior the body performed in test tube
a. Living
b. Non – living
c. Neither living nor Not-living
d. Both (a) and (b)

Question. Choose the correct statements from following:
A. Taxonomic hierarchy includes seven obligate categories.
B. Haeckel introduced the taxon phylum.
C. Three – domain classification was introduced by Carl Woese.
a. A & B
b. B & C
c. A & C
d. All

Question. Botanical gardens and Zoological parks have:
a. Drove of endemic living species only
b. Collection of exotic living species only
c. Collection of endemic and exotic living species
d. Collection of merely local plants and animals

Question. Wrong argument is:
a. Naming is only possible when the organism is described correctly.
b. Scientific names are based on the principles and criteria provided in ICBN.
c. Description of any organism should enable the people (in any role of the world) to make it at the same name.
d. Category denotes rank, and these categories or ranks are merely morphological aggregates.

Question. Read the post-obit statements.
A. Isolated-metabolic reactions in-vitro are living things.
B. Reproduction is synonymous with growth in Chlamydomonas.
C. Reproduction is an all inclusive defining characteristic of living organisms.
D. Extrinsic growth cannot exist taken as defining property of living organisms.
How many of the above statement (s) is/are not true?
a. One
b. Two
c. 3
d. Four

Question.Sequence of taxonomic categories is:
a. Grade-phylum-tribe-order-family unit-genus-species
b. Partition-course-family unit-tribe-social club-genus-species
c. Division-form-society-family-tribe-genus-species
d. Phylum-club-class-tribe-family-genus-species

Question. The high boiling indicate of water is advantageous to living organisms because
a. The environment seldom reaches the boiling point of water.
b. Organisms tin can easily eddy off enough h2o to proceed themselves cool.
c. It allows organisms to spread heat evenly throughout their bodies.
d. Organisms can blot a great deal of rut before they reach the boiling signal from organisms and population.

Question. Read the following statements.
A. Manuals are useful in providing information for identification of names of species found in an area.
B. Potato and brinjal are related species, which has more than characters in common in comparison to shimla mirch.
C. CO2 dissolving in water, a physical process, is a catalysed reaction in living systems.
D. The ribosomes of polysome translate the mRNA into multiple copies of the same protein.
a. A and C are right
b. Only B correct
c. B incorrect
d. All are correct

Question. As we go from species to kingdom in a taxonomic hierarchy, the number of common characteristics:
a. Will decrease
b. Will increase
c. Remain same
d. May increase or decrease

ii. Which of the following 'suffixes' used for units of classification in plants indicates a taxonomic category of 'family'?
a. — Ales
b. — Onae
c. — Aceae
d. — Ae

Question. Read the following statements and identify the correct statements:
A. Biodiversity refers to the number and types of organisms nowadays on earth.
B. The local names would vary from place to place,fifty-fifty within a country.
C. The number of species that are known and described range between 1.7-1.8 million.
D. International Lawmaking for Botanical Nomenclature (ICBN) provides scientific names for plants
E. Nomenclature or naming is only possible when the organism is described correctly.
a. A and B but
b. A, B and C only
c. A, D and C but
d. All of these

Question. The term 'systematics' refers to:
a. Identification and report of organ systems
b. Identification and preservation of plants and animals
c. Diversity of kinds of organisms and their relationship
d. Study of habitats of organisms and, their classification

Question. Incorrect statement are:
A. Animals, mammals, dogs, alsatians represent taxa at unlike levels.
B. Phenotypic plasticity is the ability of an organism to modify its phenotype in response to environment.
C. Nomenclature is only possible when the organism is described correctly.
D. In animals, growth is seen only upwardly to a sure historic period.
Eastward. Non-living objects also grow if nosotros take increase in trunk mass equally a criteria of growth.
F. Homo being is the only organism who is aware of himself.
a. C
b. B
c. A
d. Zero

Question. Genus represents:
a. An private plant or animal
b. A collection of plants or animals
c. Group of closely related species of plants or animals
d. A grouping of plants in a given surface area.

Question. The term "New Systematics" was introduced past:
a. Bentham and Hooker
b. Linnaeus
c. Julian Huxley
d. A. P. de Candolle

Question. Static concept of species was put frontwards by:
a. de Candolle
b. Linnaeus
c. Mayr
d. Darwin

Question. The taxonomic unit of measurement 'Phylum' in the classification of animals is equivalent to which hierarchical level in classification of plants:
a. Class
b. Order
c. Division
d. Family unit

Question. All living organisms are linked to one another considering:
a. They accept common genetic material of the same type
b. They share common genetic cloth only to varying degrees
c. All take common cellular organization
d. All of the above

Question. Which of the following is a defining characteristic of living organisms?
a. Growth
b. Ability to make sound
c. Reproduction
d. Response to external stimuli

Question. Lucifer the post-obit and choose the correct option.
A. Family unit               1. Tuberosum
B. Kingdom            two. Polymoniales
C. Social club                3. Solanum
D. Species             iv. Plantae
E. Genus                5. Solanaceae
a. A-iv B-3 C-5 D-two E-1
b. A-5 B-iv C-2 D-1 E-3
c. A-4 B-five C-2 D-1 E-3
d. A-5 B-3 C-2 D-one Due east-four

Question. The label of a herbarium canvas does not carry information on:
a. Local names
b. Elevation of the plant
c. Date of collection
d. Name of collector

Question. Biodiversity of a geographical region represents:
a. Genetic diversity present in the dominant species of the region
b. Species endemic to the region
c. Endangered species found in the region
d. The diversity in the organisms living in the region

Question. Biosystamatics aims at:
a. The classification of organisms based on broad morphological characters.
b. Delimiting various taxa of organisms and establishing their relationships.
c. The classification of organisms based on their evolutionary history and establishing their phylogeny on the totality of various parameters from all fields of studies.
d. Identification and system of organisms on the footing of their cytological characteristics.

Question. First life on earth was:
a. Blue-green alga
b. Chemohetrotrophs
c. Autotrophs
d. Photoautotrophs

Question. Consider the following statements and select right set up of option.
A. The most obvious and technically complicated features are metabolism and consciousness.
B. Growth and reproduction are mutually inclusive events for euglenoids and chrysophytes.
C. By and large, families and orders are identified on the ground of aggregates of vegetative characters but.
D. Herbarium serves equally quick referral system in taxonomical studies.
a. B, C & D
b. A, C & D
c. B & D
d. A, B, C & D

Question. Viable material of endangered species tin can be preserved past:
a. Factor banking company
b. Factor library
c. Herbarium
d. Gene puddle

Question. Defining feature of life forms?
a. Metabolism
b. Consciousness
c. Cellular organization
d. All of the above

Question. Not applicable to zoological parks:
a. In vivo mode of conservation
b. Wild fauna are kept under human intendance
c. Wild animals are kept in separate enclosures
d. All are true

Question. Each statement in key is chosen
a. Couplet
b. Lead
c. Principle
d. None of these

Question. Which of the following provide information of whatsoever 1 taxon?
a. Manuals
b. Monograph
c. Flora
d. Animal

Question. Majestic Botanical Garden consists of how many specimens?
a. 6.5 millions
b. 6 millions
c. 6.v billions
d. 6.5 trillions

Question. Father of Botany:
a. Aristotle
b. Theophrastus
c. Lamark
d. Whittaker

Question. Which i of the following branch is applicable to both plants and animals?
a. Herpetology
b. Saurology
c. Taxonomy
d. Ichthyology

Question. For higher plants, flowers are chiefly used as a basis of lassification, because
a. These show a great variety in colour
b. It can be preserved easily
c. Reproductive parts are more conservative than vegetative parts
d. They accept strong fragrance

Question. National Botanical Research Institute located in:
a. Chennai
b. Lucknow
c. Darjeeling
d. Kolkata

Question. Rearing of bees is:
a. Horticulture
b. Sericulture
c. Silviculture
d. Beekeeping

Question. Sapindales is the gild of
a. Mango
b. Maize
c. Wheat
d. Corn

Question. In museums, larger animals like birds and mammals are:
a. Nerveless, killed and pinned
b. Stuffed and preserved
c. Preserved in natural habitat
d. Both a. and b.

Question. First book of Zoology Historia animalicum was given past:
a. Aristotle
b. Theophrastus
c. Carl woese
d. Alberto del rio

Question. Begetter of zoology:
a. Theophrastus
b. Aristotle
c. Carl correns
d. Von – Tschemark

Question. Found species in botanical gardens are labeled to indicate
a. English and local name
b. Collectors proper noun
c. Botanical name and family unit
d. Family and place of drove

Question. Non applicable to zoological parks:
a. In vivo mode of conservation
b. Wild animals are kept nether human care
c. Wildlife are kept in separate enclosures
d. All are true

Question. Each statement in central is called
a. Couplet
b. Lead
c. Principle
d. None of these

Question. Herbarium is:
a. A garden where medicinal plants are grown
b. Garden where herbaceous plants are grown
c. Dry garden
d. Chemical to kill plants

Question. The most user-friendly way for piece of cake identification of plants and animals by applying diagnostic feature is use of
a. Herbarium
b. Botanical gardens
c. Museum
d. Taxonomic keys

Question. ICBN codes for?
a. International lawmaking for Botanical Classification
b. International lawmaking for Binomial Nomenclature
c. International lawmaking for Botanimal Naming
d. International code for Binomial Naming

Question. The collection of preserved plants and animals for report and reference is called:
a. Museum
b. Keys
c. Herbarium
d. Flora

Question. ICZN codes for:
a. International code of zoological Nomenclature
b. International code for zoological Naming
c. International coding for zoological Nomenclature
d. Inbreeding lawmaking for zoological Classification

Question. Classification systems have many advantages. Which of the following is not a goal of biological classification?
a. To depict convergent development
b. To clarify relationships among organisms
c. To help united states call up organisms and their traits
d. To identify and name organisms

Question. Term phylum was given past:
a. Haeckel
b. H. J. Lam
c. Eichler
d. Linnaeus

Question. Which of the following categories possess least number of related characters?
a. Order
b. Phylum
c. Class
d. Species

Question. In binomial nomenclature, the offset and 2d components represent:
a. Genus and species
b. Genus and class
c. Species and genus
d. Kingdom and grade

Question. The main purpose of classification of organisms is to
a. Written report geography
b. Locate plants and animals
c. Establish relationships amongst organisms
d. Study evolution

Question. First book of Phytology, Historia Plantarum, was given by:
a. Theoprastus
b. A. P. de Condolle
c. Aristotle
d. None of these

Question. The give-and-take systematics is derived from
a. Greek give-and-take systema
b. Italic give-and-take systema
c. Latin discussion systema
d. English word systema

Question. In Mangifera indica Linn. indica refers to
a. Genus
b. Author
c. Family
d. Species

Question. Term biology was introduced by
a. Aristotle
b. Darwin
c. John Ray
d. Lamarck and Treviranus

Question. Comeback of human race through improvement of homo environs is:
a. Anthropology
b. Euthenics
c. Euphenics
d. Eugenics

Question. Select the correctly written botanical/ zoological proper noun
a. Panthera tigris
b. Mangifera indica
c. Sativum pisum
d. Homo sapiens

Question. Biological names, when mitt written, should necessary be:
a. Underlined
b. Bold (antics)
c. In capital letter
d. Italics

Question. Edaphology is:
a. Report of soils
b. Report of amphibians
c. Written report of snakes
d. Study of elephants

Question. Every bit nosotros go lower from kingdom to species the number of mutual characteristics goes on
a. Increasing
b. Remain unchanged
c. Decreasing
d. Sometimes decreasing

Question. A prediction made by a scientist based on his observation is known as:
a. Law
b. Principle
c. Theory
d. Hypothesis

Question. The simplest amino acid is:
a. Aspartic acrid
b. Tyrosine
c. Lysine
d. Glycine

Question. Linnaeus used the title for his publication is?
a. Systema Naturae
b. Genera Naturae
c. Altis vortex
d. Die Nature lichen pflanzen

Question. The science of giving names to living beings called
a. Nomenclature
b. Identification
c. Classification
d. Label

Question. Systematics takes accounts:
a. Evolutionary relationship betwixt organisms.
b. Convenance relationship between organisms.
c. Economic relationship betwixt organisms.
d. None of these

Question. Taxon represents:
a. Rank in classification
b. Basic unit of classification
c. Both of these
d. None of these

Question. In taxonomy the commencement pace is:
a. Identification
b. Classification
c. Classification
d. Affinities

Question. Term classification was given by:
a. A.P de Condolle
b. Norman Due east. Borloug
c. Tansley
d. None of these

Question. Which of the following taxonomic categories contains organisms least like to one another?
a Genera
b. Family
c. Class
d. Species

Question. Which of the following combinations is correct for wheat ?
a. Genus : Triticum, Family unit : Anacardiaceae, Order : Poales, Class : Monocotyledonae
b. Genus : Triticum, Family unit : Poaceae, Order : Poales, Form : Dicotyledonae
c. Genus : Triticum, Family unit : Poaceae, Club : Sapindales, Class : Monocotyledonae
d. Genus : Triticum, Family unit : Poaceae, Social club : Poales, Course : Monocotyledonae

Question. The suffix – inae signifies the rank:
a. Tribe
b. Subtribe
c. Suborder
d. Family

Question. Father of zoology:
a. Theophrastus
b. Aristotle
c. Carl correns
d. Von – Tschemark

Question. Providing information for identification of names of species plant in an area
a. Fauna
b. Flora
c. Monograph
d. Manuals

Question. Species living in dissimilar geographical areas are called:
a. Allochronic
b. Allopatric
c. Sympatric
d. Siblings

Question. Determination of age past counting growth rings falls under:
a. Chorology
b. Chronology
c. Dendrology
d. Dendrochronology

Question. What is ethnobotany?
a. Tillage of flower yielding plants
b. Use of plants and their parts
c. Relationship betwixt plants and primitive people
d. Study of soil

Question. The timing of seasonal activity of plants in relation to modify in environmental weather condition is termed as:
a. Dendrochronology
b. Phenology
c. Fourth dimension lapse
d. Biological clock

Question. In a scientific name, the name of the author is printed in
a. Capital messages
b. Assuming ( antics)
c. Italics
d. Roman

The Living World Class 11 Biology MCQ Questions


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