
How To Say Seal Animal In French

If y'all're learning French, animals take to be part of that process, also.

Luckily, learning the names of some of the world's creatures is ane of the more fun and culturally interesting activities in any linguistic communication.

And brute names in French are laden with a diversity of meanings beyond the simple and literal.

In this post, nosotros'll learn a whole herd of French animal names and delve into their significance in the French language.


  • Resources for Practicing Your French Creature Vocabulary
    • Animaux Television receiver
    • FluentU
    • "If I Were an Animal…"
    • La Fontaine'southward "Fables"
    • Animals in French Quiz
  • A Quick Note on Gender
  • On Solid Footing: State-dwelling Animals
    • Land Pets or Farm Animals
    • Land Wild fauna
  • Nether the Surface: Water-based Critters
    • Water Pets
    • Water Wildlife
  • Airborne Animals: Flying Animal
    • Flying Pets
    • Flying Wildlife

Resources for Practicing Your French Fauna Vocabulary

Before we dive into this diverse list of animals in French, let'southward look at some resources for practicing the French animal vocabulary that you're about to acquire.

The following resources tin be used at any stage of your French-language learning journey, and will not only help yous abound your French animal vocabulary but also your general listening and comprehension skills.

Animaux Television set


This French YouTube channel offers you many educational and entertaining videos well-nigh animals with subjects ranging from pet advice and information about endangered species to glory encounters with scary and fascinating creatures.

There are plenty of animal names right in the titles, and then even if you understand aught else in the videos—and like nearly animal videos on the internet y'all don't need to understand much to enjoy them—watching them volition help you reinforce your vocabulary learning.


FluentU is a language immersion program that uses authentic French videos with interactive captions to teach the language. Using this program, yous can watch and listen to your new beast vocabulary with context.

Equally you lot watch videos and come across new brute vocabulary, you tin can hover over whatsoever word to come across an in-context definition, brief information about the word's grammar and a memorable picture. Click on the word to run into further examples of it used in text and videos and an audio pronunciation.

You tin can also save whatsoever word to custom flashcards decks and farther review them with personalized quizzes.

"If I Were an Animal…"


This Netflix kids' programme, which comes with French sound and subtitle options, is a cute and simplified way to acquire about the lives of dissimilar animals one brute at a time.

See what life would be like if you were a tiger, a gorilla, a hamster, a penguin and more. Considering this program is geared toward children, the context is perfect for beginner French linguistic communication learners.

La Fontaine's "Fables"

Jean de la Fontaine was a famous 17th-century French poet who's nonetheless well-known for his "Fables." Many of the fables are stories about animals.

Y'all can test your knowledge of creature names simply by reading through the titles and seeing what you recognize. If you're a bit more avant-garde or actually desire a challenge, effort reading some of La Fontaine's "Fables."

Animals in French Quiz

This quiz lets you exercise creature names through a fun animated multiple-choice format. There are 4 quizzes to choose from and prior to taking any of the quizzes you can mind to the audio pronunciations of each of the creature names that yous'll be tested on.

A Quick Annotation on Gender

Gender in French with animals can become a little complicated from an English speaker'south point of view. Although many animals in French have a masculine and feminine version that tin can be practical depending on the sexual practice of the animal, you also tend to default to 1 gender or the other when talking about a blazon of animal in general (unremarkably masculine, but not always).

There are besides some French animal words, like in English, that are specifically meant to refer to the female person or male of the species. For case, cheval a masculine noun that means "horse," but yous can also refer to un étalon (a stallion) or une jument (a mare).

The French words for each fauna below are the full general words that tend to be used, with the gender indicated by the indefinite article (united nations for masculine or une for feminine).

This list isn't meant to be a comprehensive look at all of the variations on the nouns and animals included, but the words yous run across—unless it'due south evident that they're supposed to only refer to a female person or male—are the more neutral, default names you're likely to find in a lexicon.

On Solid Ground: State-home Animals

Country Pets or Farm Animals

un chien — a domestic dog

The first episode of the higher up Netflix serial "Si j'étais un brute…" (If I Were an Animal…) is virtually being a "Corking Pyrenees," a breed of dog that originated in French republic and Spain. Equally you may already know, the Pyrenees mount range covers the border between these countries.

In French, this dog is known as a Berger des Pyrénées (literally "shepherd of the Pyrenees"), which you can see reflected in the French subtitles. The sound uses the discussion patou, which comes from an old give-and-take for shepherd.

un chat — a cat

The feminine versions of the nouns for dog and cat are chienne and chatte.

However, these both have meanings that are potentially offensive or naughty-sounding depending on context, which you can probably figure out based on similar versions that be in English.

On a completely different note, if you lot're a true cat lover who's learning French, you should know about the Parole de chat (literally "give-and-take of cat") YouTube channel, which is a one-stop shop for funny French-language cat videos.

This video introduces yous to the concept of les chats ninjas (Ninjacats!).

You lot can likewise find this video on FluentU with interactive captions.

un cochon — a pig

A pig can likewise be called un porc, and a sow is une truie.

un cochon d'Inde — a republic of guinea hog

Literally, "a hog of India." Guinea pigs actually originated in the Andes Mountains of South America. And so why do French speakers telephone call them pigs of India? Well, why do we call them guinea pigs?

un hamster — a hamster

united nations lapin — a rabbit

un furet — a ferret

united nations cheval — a horse

united nations étalon — a stallion

une jument — a mare

Be conscientious not to mix up the plural for cheval, chevaux, with the word for hair, or cheveux.

une vache — a cow

Vache and variations on it practically make upwardly their own subcategory of French slang and colloquialisms. La vache! is an expression used to express surprise. It'south sort of equivalent to "wow" or "damn" in English.

Vachement is a coincidental way of maxim "really" (or "bloody" in UK English language).

united nations taureau — a bull

un poulet — a chicken

une poule — a hen

un coq — rooster, equally in the famous French dish coq au vin.

un mouton — a sheep

The concept of compter les moutons (counting sheep) exists in French but as information technology does in English.

Un mouton, deux moutons, trois moutons… (I sheep, two sheep, three sheep…)

un agneau a lamb

une chèvre — a goat

Chèvre tin can also refer to goat's cheese, just when this happens, it takes on the properties of a masculine noun.

un âne — a donkey

une mule — a mule

Land Wildlife

united nations écureuil — a squirrel

un blaireau — a annoy

united nations tamia — a chipmunk

Chipmunks aren't found in French republic or Europe in full general, but it's interesting to note that French Canadians have their own special give-and-take for them, un suisse, which literally means "a Swiss" and may have to do with how chipmunks' stripes resemble the uniforms of the Vatican Swiss Guard.

une souris — a mouse

As in English, this word can also refer to a computer mouse.

un rat — a rat

Only retrieve that the only reason the whole concept behind the movie "Ratatouille" even works is because these words are spelled the aforementioned in English and French.

un hérisson — a hedgehog

un renard — a pull a fast one on

Foxes are often portrayed every bit tricksters. A flim-flam in one of La Fontaine'southward fables fools a raven into dropping a piece of cheese and then has the nervus to deed similar it'due south a moral lesson.

Just this isn't always the example. In Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's "Le Petit Prince" ("The Lilliputian Prince")—that extremely popular piece of literature amid French learners—the renard is a friend of the niggling prince.

un cerf — a stag

une biche — a doe (deer)

united nations ours — a bear

united nations loup — a wolf

une girafe — a giraffe

un éléphant — an elephant

un king of beasts — a lion

un tigre — a tiger

un guépard — a cheetah

un babouin — a birdie

united nations gorille — a gorilla

un singe — a monkey

un chimpanzé — a chimpanzee

un zèbre — a zebra

united nations ophidian — a serpent

un gecko — a gecko

une fourmi — an ant

une araignée — a spider

un scarabée — a beetle

un cafard — a cockroach

The French expression avoir le cafard (literally "to have the cockroach") means to feel downwardly or depressed, or to have the blues, equally we might say in English.

une cigale — a cicada

One of La Fontaine's fables includes a story nigh a cicada and an ant ("La Cigale et la Fourmi"). In it, the cicada spends all summertime singing while the industrious pismire works to store upwardly food for the winter. Later, when the cicada begs for food, the emmet is a consummate jerk about it. But of form this doesn't mean that we should gauge all ants appropriately.

une sauterelle — a grasshopper

un lézard — a lizard

Under the Surface: Water-based Critters

Kickoff, some general terminology.

united nations poisson — a fish

des fruits de mer — shellfish (every bit food)

Literally, "fruits of [the] sea."

united nations mollusque — a mollusk

Water Pets

un poisson rouge — a goldfish

Yes, a goldfish is a "cerise fish" in French.

un poisson tropical — a tropical fish

un triton — a newt

une tortue — a turtle

Equally you lot may have already guessed, La Fontaine likewise penned a version of the famous tale of le lièvre (the hare) et la tortue (the tortoise).

Water Wild animals

une moule — a mussel

Moules-frites or moules et frites is a dish consisting of, well, mussels and fries, that likely has Belgian origins, and can exist plant today throughout Belgium, France and other countries.

The Belgian artist Stromae uses this famous food metaphorically in the song "Moules Frites," which is actually well-nigh something more R-rated that I'm sure you tin work out if you desire to:

Paulo aime les moules frites, sans frites et sans mayo. (Paulo likes moules frites, without fries and without mayo.)

une huître — an oyster

The music video for the song "Les Huîtres" past Mai Lan comes with a pretty strong visual reminder of what une huître is.

une palourde — a mollusk

un homard — a lobster

un escargot — a snail

un crabe — a crab

une coquille Saint-Jacques — a scallop

Une coquille past itself is just a shell. In English-language contexts, the phrase coquilles Saint-Jacques, sometimes translated every bit Saint James' scallops, suggests a particular preparation of scallops involving a vino sauce and breadcrumbs. Simply in French, coquilles Saint-Jacques refers to the scallops themselves.

The name comes from Saint James the Greater, or Saint Jacques le Majeur, whose emblem was a scallop shell.

une crevette — a shrimp

une carpe — a bother

un anchois — an anchovy

un thon — a tuna

un saumon — a salmon

un bar — a bass

united nations doré jaune — a walleye

This fish is literally "golden-yellow," which I honestly recall is a lot proper noun than "walleye."

united nations brochet — a pike

une truite — a trout

un maquereau — a mackerel

Be conscientious, because maquereau can likewise mean "pimp."

Likewise, groseille à maquereau is "gooseberry." Une groseille by itself is a redcurrant. This seems to brand about every bit much sense as "guinea grunter."

une grenouille — a frog

un crapaud — a toad

un phoque — a seal

une loutre — an otter

une baleine — a whale

un requin — a shark

united nations calamar — a squid

une pieuvre / un poulpe — an octopus

un morse — a walrus

une anguille — an eel

un manchot — a penguin

Some French speakers use the masculine word pingouin to mean penguin, which is arguably incorrect as this word was originally meant to refer to a great auk, a bird resembling a penguin that's now extinct.

un alligator — an alligator

un crocodile — a crocodile

The book "Les Yeux jaunes des crocodiles" ("The Yellow Eyes of Crocodiles") by Katherine Pancol is a not bad one to read when y'all're at almost an intermediate level. Merely but be warned that if you don't already take a healthy fear of crocodiles, you will after reading Pancol'due south novel.

Airborne Animals: Flight Fauna

united nations oiseau — a bird

Flying Pets

un perroquet — a parrot

une perruche — a parakeet

united nations cacatoès — a cockatoo

une colombe — a dove

united nations canari — a canary

Flight Wild animals

un rouge-gorge — a robin

This is literally "red throat."

un moineau — a sparrow

une hirondelle — a swallow

un motion-picture show — a woodpecker

un étourneau — a starling

un merle — a blackbird

une corneille — a crow

un corbeau — a raven

Okay, so here's a confession. I've never been exactly clear on what the difference betwixt a raven and a crow is in English, or if at that place fifty-fifty is a difference, let alone in French. I know that I was taught in French class that crow translates tocorbeau.

Patently, though, even if it's not always noted or people get it wrong, there'due south a difference, and in French, the equivalent of "crow" is technically corneille, and the equivalent of "raven" is corbeau.

If information technology helps, you tin always only remember that French poet Stéphane Mallarmé translated the Edgar Allen Poe's poem "The Raven" into French as "Le Corbeau."

un aigle — an eagle

united nations faucon — a militarist

un faucon — a falcon

united nations canard — a duck

une cigogne — a stork

une oie — a goose

un cygne — a swan

une abeille — a bee

une guêpe — a wasp

un moustique — a mosquito

une mouche — a fly

une puce — a flea

une libellule — a dragonfly

Well, that's a lot, huh? The truth is, while animals are ane of the first basic categories you often tackle while learning a linguistic communication, the subject field of animals is incredibly complex in any language.

And then give it some fourth dimension. But learn some mutual animal names if that's the stage you're at.

But no matter what your level is, you tin can probably afford to aggrandize your knowledge of the fauna kingdom in French.

And hey, it's an excuse to watch beautiful brute videos!

Elisabeth Cook is a freelance writer who has now fallen into an ornithology rabbit hole and isn't sure how to go out. In the concurrently, you lot can discover her on Twitter (@CooksChicken).


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